An Angry Thing

it has come again, it has
an angry thing...
spiteful, self beating.

my limbs
heavy, my mind,

piercing words
arrowing, spelling
an unfeeling

you tasted my dream
weaving it to reality
while i sit here reading

Strawberry Smoothies

I am drinking Strawberry Smoothies
This time all by myself
A Solo trip to Memory
Yes. Me and no one else.

Something tickling my left cheek
Your strong but tender thumb
My body didn't go weak
Nor did it go numb.

Yet I think it was adorable.

I drink some more Strawberry Smoothies
and so did you that day.
You always order strawberries and kiwi
'It's healthy' I think you'd say.

I still think it was adorable.

I drink the last bit of My Strawberry Smoothies,
thinking of you and Australia
feeling far from empty.
I can't wait for you to be here.

So I can savor My Strawberry,
and You, Your Kiwi.

Isn't this adorable?

I Am Not A Lady Of Images

I am not a lady of images
nor am i a poetess.
tho like them, myself is meant to write
But not in the same way those great ladies might

For i am a woman of my time
long not echo the tunes they used to chime.
My words are i. myself. me.
not shaded. not clouded. either not
exactly what you see.

I am a lady of colored exclamation.
Myself am of great profusion.
I am out here so the world could see
Fear i not being called a loony
I shall never change the way I write
For you may not like it, but others might!